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Set a Custom ET Rate

Discusses how to set a custom Evapotranspiration Rate, ET, immature crop, young crop, custom water use rate, and weather.

Written by Benjamin Smith
Updated over a week ago

Although not as precise as soil moisture probes, Evapotranspiration Rate (ET) is a good method to plan for future irrigations, and can provide a sanity check on current irrigations to help evaluate the effectiveness of irrigations.

ET rates are based on a number of weather conditions and adjusted by models provided by a university or crop organization that predict the amount of water a crop uses each day.

Sometimes, you may wish to adjust the ET rate to account for irrigation efficiency losses, cover crops, late-season croppings, or in the case of tree and vine crops, immature orchards. Follow the steps below to learn how to make these adjustments.

Until these features have been added to, settings must be made from

  1. Select Water Management > Evapotranspiration

  2. Select the block you wish to adjust

  3. In the top right corner, select “Edit”

5. In the window that pops up, slide the “Multiplier Target %” selector to the desired percentage.

For example, if you wanted to account for irrigation efficiency losses, you may want to increase your ET measurement by 10%, thus you would slide the selector to 110%. Or, if you had 3rd leaf pistachios, you may want to only account for 30% of ET, thus you would slide the selector to 30%.

6. After adjusting the ET on one block you have the option to make the same change to all blocks with the same crop

7. After you have made the changes you wish to make, select “Apply Changes” at the bottom right of the screen.

You have now successfully set a custom ET.

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