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Custom Views
Written by Grace Goh
Updated over a week ago

One of the most powerful ways to use the Semios platform is by creating Custom Views. A Custom View allows you to tailor the Semios platform to your farm, by focusing on Layers that provide you with the unique insight you need to manage your operation.

Creating a Custom View

To create a Custom View, go to Settings > Views and select New View.

You must specify the 3 components of a View:

  1. Layers that make up that View. There are no limits to the number of Layers in each View; however, we recommend selecting no more than 8.

  2. The default Map layer. This is the default value that is displayed on the map when a View is selected. You can still change the Map Layer anytime in the Map Controls dropdown menu.

  3. A default date range for the Summary and Details panel.

Once you have completed the above, name your View and select “Save View” to save it. We suggest naming your Custom View something unique or descriptive so it’s easy to remember.

Once your new Custom View is saved, it will be available in the Views dropdown menu.

Duplicate a View

Instead of starting from scratch, you can create a new Custom View by duplicating and modifying an existing Semios or Custom View. Simply go to Settings > Views, find the View you wish to duplicate, and select “Duplicate”. Then, follow the steps to create your new View.

Edit a Custom View

To edit a Custom View, go to Settings > View > Custom Views. Find the Custom View you want to edit and select “Edit”. Then, follow the steps to edit your Custom View.

Only Custom Views can be edited. Semios Views cannot be edited directly. However, you can duplicate an existing Semios View and modify it to create a new Custom View.

Delete a Custom View

To delete a Custom View, go to Settings > Views > Custom Views. Find the Custom View you want to delete and select “Delete”. Confirm that you wish to delete the Custom View. Only Custom Views can be deleted.

Note that deleting the Custom View removes it from your Views permanently. If you would simply prefer not to see it in the View dropdown menu, you can uncheck that View in Settings > Views.

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